
Monday, 17 October 2011

Kendall answers your questions.

Kendall took time yesterday to answers some of your questions through her twitter.

Kendall Jenner
TIGER! RT : what is your favorita animal?
Kendall Jenner
i use to not like it, but now i do :) RT : do you like your name? i do! :)
Kendall Jenner
purple! RT : what's your favorite color? :) love you <3.
Kendall Jenner
havent seen it yet, i wanna see it so bad! RT : DID YOU SEE THE MOVIE FOOTLOOSE YET?! :D freakin amazinnn. Js.
Kendall Jenner
just ate dinner with my mom, dad, kylie and rob :) RT : hey what are you doing right now? I wanna know :D
Kendall Jenner
prob steak or sushi! RT : what's your favorite food? Please RT
Kendall Jenner
HI! RT : HI!!!!(: Im a huge fan!!! Can you reply? ONE letter would be good!<3
Kendall Jenner
hope your day gets better! :) RT : I really want to tweet me. I'm having a bad day /:
Kendall Jenner
RT : if RT's me? Life made <3 but probably not happening -___-
Kendall Jenner
good! slept alllll day! lol :p RT : How's your sunday, doll?
Kendall Jenner
Lady and the Tramp :) RT : which movie did you end up picking? :)

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